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Always Help Others

I strive to always be helping people with the wo rk that I do no matter what I’m doing. Through my college career I had the opportunity to advise businesses and the closest to my heart being the family business I helped grow. I was also lucky enough to be considered as a resource often seeked for interviewing advice or just tips of how to study. Finally, the venture I hope to pursue one day seeks to help people get noticed and funded.

Lydia’s is the family businesses that I worked closely with during Q1 2013. They’re a 50 year old family business in the professional uniform business. I chose them among three companies I could have worked with mainly due to the satisfaction I’ll get from working one to one with the family executive team. I learned a lot about the industry and how best to ensure Lydia’s grows moving forward, but at the same time I made a lifelong bond with the family.
Throughout my experience at UofM, I learned a lot of skills outside of the classroom in addition to within. The interview skills I gained were helpful for my own career success along with my friend’s success since I managed to coach several friends when they approached me for help. Along the way, I got the reputation of being efficient in studying for exams so friends would ask me what material I studied trusting that is the proper way to study.

Finally, my venture seeks to help people succeed and that is my passion. What it aims to do is to feature creative people so that the general public notices them. Then allows them to sell things related to their talent to raise funds.

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